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For details on jobs, scheduling, and rates, contact kfreek (at) gmail (dot) com. Full publication list and CV available upon request.

Hello. I’m Kerry Freek (yes—“Freek” is available as a last name). I provide editorial and writing services. My freelance experience includes work for international consultants, trade and commercial magazines, not-for-profit organizations, professional associations, literary journals, and academic institutions.

By day, I work in marketing and communications for a water technology business accelerator. For six years prior, I was the editor of Water Canada and associate editor of ReNew Canada, two successful trade publications published by Actual Media. I’ve also worked with Salon Magazine (widely read in the Canadian salon industry) and Elevate (ask me about the fascinating evolution of breast implants).

By night, I busy myself with other special projects, whether it's co-authoring a book on flood risk (published in Spring 2014 by Rocky Mountain Books) or writing about shoe trends (another topic near and dear to my heart).

Professionally, I'm involved in several water and environment committees. From 2010 to 2014, I was an advisor to the Canadian Water Summit and chaired the national event in 2011. For three years, I was an active member of the University of Toronto’s School of the Environment water finance committee, helping develop continuing education programming on water and business sustainability. Currently, I'm part of Living Lakes Canada’s advisory board, the Ontario Environment Industry Association's water committee, and the Partners in Project Green water stewardship committee.

I hold an Honours B.A. in English (Rhetoric and Professional Writing, with a specialization in Cultural Management) from the University of Waterloo (2006) and a Certificate in Book and Magazine Publishing from Centennial College (2007).